Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bohemian Lifestyle...

Sometimes I feel that our lifestyle has become so bohemian...where's the grandeur and the splendour? Our day today lives are but to live and survive than to enjoy and splurge. And our views on life very narrow and confined to but our own wishes, hopes and dreams. Doesn't that feel claustrophobic?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

GoodBye Summer...

Waving Goodbye to Summer and thinking back to the sunny days with flowers in full bloom adding vibrant color to the surroundings, the grass lush green, the trees tall and majestic, their branches heavy with shiny leaves, clear blue skies with puffy white clouds floating by...oh, it's all too good! What a balm to tired eyes, what a soothing relief to a tired mind, what a cocoon of warmth for a tired body and what a breeze to envigorate the soul!

How are we going to get by without all this? Well, Fall will bring some vibrancy of colors and an energetic chill in the air and before we know it, Winter will be at our doorstep bringing fluffy flecks of snow and enveloping us in its white coat. The monochromatic colors will soon give way to brighter colors and we'll know Summer is on it's way again...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

City vs Suburbs...

I used to live in the city, "once upon a time" :) It was fun. Are you finding suburbia a bit boring? Perhaps a bit quieter? I remember that when I first moved to the suburbs, I felt not finding anything to look out of the window quite boring (having being used to looking out to Sheridan rd and LSD and the best, the best part, the Lake). Now I am used to looking out to my yard and enjoy watching the flowers blooming and the rabbits at play in the afternoon, and the squirrels doggedly hoarding food during the Fall, making constant trips back and forth! This Summer I got to watch a baby chick learning to use its wings. Somehow it landed on my patio chair and it was having the hardest time taking off again! It was lovely to watch it's Mother coming back with food clutched in her beak and feeding her little one.

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Afternoon Cup of Tea...

What a beautiful afternoon in early Fall. Not a hint of chill in the air, it's certainly a bonus day! Sitting out on the patio, enjoying the balmy breeze and the wonderful green foliage is such a joy! The leaves haven't started to turn yet or shed very much either, just a few on the ground, enough to remind us of what's to come ahead.

Sipping tea in this weather, taking in the quiet of the surroundings, listening to the chirping of the birds, makes you forget all the care in the world...